Spa membership

Please enter your card details below.

Your details will only be used by The Maybourne Riviera, which is part of Maybourne.

* Required fields

Booking Details

Please enter your first name
Please enter your last name
Please enter a valid email address
Please select a membership type
Please select a payment option
Please enter your payment method

Cardholder Details

Please enter the cardholder's first name
Please enter the cardholder's last name
Please enter the cardholder's email address
Please enter the cardholder's phone number
Please enter the first line of your registered address
Please enter the town of your registered address
Please enter the country of your registered address

Please tick the checkbox to accept our Terms & Conditions

Thank you for providing your card details for a spa membership at The Maybourne Riviera. We can confirm that we have safely received the details and they have been stored securely.
